Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Truman show

Truman Burbank is the main attraction of TV series called the Truman show. Created to film his every move ever since he was born. He was presented to this world in which he thought it was all real. Every step in his life was already planned out by the director Christof. There was no escape for Truman only because the place he lived in was surrounded by water. Truman was traumatized as young boy when his father died when they were on a boat ride. A cast member playing the role of a student in the college Truman attended thought that what Cristof was doing was totally unethical. She tried to explain to him he was on a reality series televising his life. Immediately production decided to discard her from the script. After that encounter Truman started to get this urge to travel the world and find VG. Truman started realizing that something wasn’t right that his life was the same every day. After a long fight of trying to escape Seahaven Truman has to make a choice leave the world created for entertainment, or step out and face reality.

If I was to be in Truman’s position; I think I would make the same choice he made to escape the world created by Hollywood and wonder off into the real world. And come-on he had a nice girl waiting for him =D. Is funny because after the movie. I started wondering where all the hidden cameras, started asking my classmates you guys aren’t wearing button cams. Truman was giving the opportunity to live a perfect life. In the movie the connection between christof and god is clearly established at the end when he is talking as the cloud and the sun are shadowing the voice. Christof and god are similar because both are creators of a world. Christof doesn’t have the power to determine Truman’s life after he steps out the door. Yeah I can seriously say that how I look at things now is different because of college. Especially the understanding of the movie the matrix. The Truman show is a really good movie I enjoy watching it, maybe because Jim Carrey made it so much funnier.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Do you think your life is determined by a special, individual fate, or are you free to choose as you wish?

I believe we are predetermined to do something or become something is only up to us to make the choices along the way. I believe every single one of us has a purpose predetermime by god. I believe god is the only one capable to determine what is going to happen to us. For example every morning we leave our house not knowing what will happen during the day. Do you think all those people of 9/11 woke up that day knowing that it was there last morning? Schick jr. argues “If someone is forcing you to do something against your will or preventing you from doing something you want to do, you are not free.”(88) I totally agree with him and that’s why I believe I am not free at this point of my life. Especially because of my parents, they set all these rules that I have to follow =/.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog 4

What do they mean by the Source and Ontological status?! After reading this section Over 10 times I’m still confused of what it really means. The source is where it all begins.

Source: Matrix and Philosophy by William Erwin

The source is the place where we get all are ideas=/. Ontology is the meaning to are sources. On pg 61 Gracia and Sanford explain that “we know that machines and electrical signals are produced by humans beings born in the city of Zion come from their parents”. I think this means we do not know the ontology behind their claims. Another way to look at Ontological status and the source is: We know the Ontology to our theory then we just need to figure out the source to our claims. I believe what we use to distinguish what’s real from metaphysics is our 5 senses. Also it depends on what we believe.